Grandmother Raven
Survivor of a malignant narcissistic caregiver and a psychopathic family member, Grandmother Raven turned to studying the nature of reality, metaphysics and psychopathology at the age of 19, as a way to cope with the pervasive gaslighting and violence she experienced growing up. To counteract her learning disabilities, she suffered as a result of her trauma, she rewrote everything she read, condensing entire books to 50 pages or less. This skill continues to this day, exploring investigations into the unknown for over 25 years.
Grandmother Raven was called her to go on what she calls walkabouts starting in 2015, to temporarily escape an abusive partnership. She would journey into the desert, where she would leave the ordinary world behind three months out of every year. She believes abuse does not end when we leave an abusive relationship and oftentimes the act of healing involves also removing the destructive programs and energetic ties to the abuser are instrumental at finding long lasting peace and moving on from the unconscious repetitions of the past.
As a student of southeastern yoga for more than twenty years, Grandmother Raven is an avid follower of Buddhist teachings and meditation. She practices her own blend of energetic exercises that she has discovered and fashioned over years of training. She believes that opening and working with the chakras and the energy body help one to attain the balance necessary in order to maintain a healthy and balanced internal life.
Grandmother Raven became gravely ill in 2017 and over the course of her illness lost her ability to walk, her job, her home and all of her belongings. In her former life she was an aspiring social worker on her way to her masters in licensed clinical social work. She volunteered in hospice and worked with children with multiple, severe, intensive disabilities during the course of her illness and while she no longer practices, helping those that are disabled still remains a passion for her.
Grandmother Raven went full no contact with her family of origin in 2019 after they refused to help her during her illness. Her journey to healing led her to Peruvian plant medicines and shamans. She sat in a series of ceremonies where she learned powerful healing lessons and she received her sacred names. Walking the line between life and death her Medicine Guides initiated her, where she found her healing voice through teaching, writing and song. Her work with journeying and Spirit Animals, helped her to form what she calls Medicine Animals, a practice of working with the wisdom of animals for healing and guidance.
Living bedridden, wheelchair bound and not knowing whether she would live or die, Grandmother Raven experienced a series of near death experiences daily for three and a half years. These transformative experiences, her long-term illness and disability helped her to gain wisdom and insight into death, dying, profound pain, suffering and healing.
Grandmother Raven weaves together the teachings of her life experiences, the practices of Native wisdom, her studies in neurobiology, emotion regulation and expertise as an energy master and meditation with a compassionate approach. She shares sacred wisdom earned during her journeys to the other side with others in hopes of guiding them along their path to heal their emotional and energetic bodies and evolve of their minds for the benefit of humankind and the planet.
Grandmother Raven understands that we can live and die many times in a single life and that death is a transition with many phases and not just when one leaves their human form. Her teachings help others to move from one way of existing to the next, so that they can evolve and grow into their authentic selves, to find inner peace, follow their joy and activate their own inner power. She has come to know that we cannot heal without love and that the experience of compassion for all living beings is a part of the neocortex, a new part of the human brain, that is still evolving in humans at this time. She teaches that we can help humanity through evolving ourselves and tapping into our energy systems to become more fully realized, conscious human beings.