Invisible Wounds
There are hurts we have experienced that cannot be seen, only felt. We live in a world devoid of a spiritual framework and when we experience wounding beyond the mental, physical and emotional realm, we may not know where to turn to for help or how to even describe our condition.
We are multidimensional beings with a Soul, and Spirit, living in an animal body, comprised of an energy body. Often times, as we walk through life, we encounter wounds to our invisible bodies, as well as our physical body. The most common and talked about trauma, post traumatic stress disorder, known as PTSD, is contained within the brain, when the brain undergoes changes, as a result of a traumatic experience that alters how we perceive and react to the world. However, traumas in life can also impact the Soul creating Soul loss, where we become disconnected from our own feelings and experiences making it hard to empathize with ourselves and feel present in our life. When this happens we begin to feel outside of our body creating disconnection from those around us.
Our Spirit becomes compromised, when our awareness with our experience, outside of our egoic mind, is walled off. This causes us to begin to feel that we have no sense of ourselves outside of the terrible things that have happened to us. Even the energy body suffers, where our chakras, which serve as centers for awareness and energy flow close off or shut down causing us to only experience life in a flat way. We lose connection with certain parts of our personality and do not have the same access to ourselves that we once had.
Energetic cords or ties attached to the energy body can exist after a trauma or relationship many years after the event has passed or the relationship has ended. This causes us to feel continually haunted by an experience long after. We are not quite able to let go or move on no matter how hard we try.
In the western world these invisible bodies and energies are often dismissed as unreal, but their reality need not be argued. The invisible wound, what you feel is real, and does exist. When we take the time to sit with our pain and locate wound, we can begin the process of healing by first recognizing and acknowledging what we are experiencing in the healing presence of another. When we do this we can begin to recognize how we are feeling is valid and in need of care and compassionate attention.