Medicine Animals
In the Western and modern world we are taught to view animals and creatures around us in a limited way. As a result we are unable to see other living beings as they truly are. Animals have a consciousness and do not merely follow their instinctual programming alone. They have intelligence, a rich inner world and are capable of having deep and loving relationships with one another.
When we open to this new view, an entirely different and amazing world opens up to us. Animals are our friends and guides. They carry profound wisdom and have many lessons to share. We are not alone on this earth. We have companions that only need be seen when we open our hearts.
In healing we find Medicine Animals to help bring us companionship on our more difficult journeys where we would otherwise be on our own. We find Medicine Animals along the way when we find ourselves in unknown territory to show us how to survive and thrive in harsh places. Medicine Animals bring friendship and joy. Oftentimes they give us the very things we cannot find in the human world and they help us to find the peace inside of ourselves that we intrinsically need to be happy and whole.